We all want to look cool when it comes to the bag we carry. It’s tempting to pack everything you need in one bag and throw it over your shoulder.
BUT, the way you’re carrying your bag can create unwanted tension in the body, and if you’re making the same small physical mistakes every single day, you could be feeling it in ways you don’t even realise it (like chest tightness or tension headaches). Sporting a heavy bag on one shoulder all the time makes you crooked and causes a slow build off injury.
Let’s talk about how we should be carrying our bags.
>> Be smart and vary the side of the shoulder to carry your bag.
You can totally wear a shoulder bag across your body or over a single arm, but don’t always put it on the same side. Activate your core to support the weight of the shoulder bag. Carrying a bag on your shoulder makes you bend at the side more, and hence carrying it cross-body works on your core and obliques. You’re less likely to get stuck in a one-sided habit if you choose over-the-shoulder bag.
>> Shoulders to the back
While carrying your bags, bring your shoulder down and back, and think about making your collarbone as broad as possible. This is especially important if you’re hunched over a computer all day (office worker). Breathe down into your belly, seize the moment and activate your core. This is a time to build strength without going to the gym. Ladies who prefer cradling a bag in the crook of their elbow are also likely to curve forward, making the shoulders-back advice equally important.
>> Choose bags with top handle
Of course we do have our preferred style of carrying our bag, which is via a top handle. It eventually leads to strong shoulders and good posture. Try carrying a bag with a loose grip, then squeeze the handle, and lower your shoulders down and back. You’ll feel your shoulder blade turn on. From there, switch your bag from hand to hand, and embrace movement, letting your bag swing and sway. Moving your body in new motions and directions trains the brain to remember more information on how your body moves, and makes you alert on how to take good care of your posture.
>> Backpacks
If you are using a backpack, keep the heaviest items placed toward the back, near your center of gravity. But keep your bag under 10 pounds. When shopping for your next bag, be it a top-handle or shoulder style, pay attention to the strap design too. The thick ones distribute the weight but don’t add extra heft to a bag.
>> Consult a chiropractor
Lastly, if you have any muscle ache / joint pain due to heavy bags, visit a chiropractor nearby. We will help you to find the sources of your injuries and give advice on how to prevent them from getting worst. Do not ignore the pain and watch it get worse over time. Instead, see a chiropractor on a regular basis to maintain the joints and spinal health.

Trust me, it’s a lot sexier to be able to walk upright, loosely and gracefully, than to be hunched and in chronic pain due to years of lugging your silly-heavy bag.
Come and visit us for a consultation
>> Call 03-33584587
>> Whatsapp 010-2339687